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Plastic Pollution in the Poles

The first sighting of nano plastic, more toxic than microplastic, has been spotted in both poles, the coldest and furthest places from civilization. This is critical because the ocean has so much of the world’s garbage that it’s reaching places that aren’t significantly populated by human beings, the ones who created and left plastic and other non-biodegradable items around.

It’s unknown how dangerous nano plastic or microplastic is to human beings, but it’s a very quickly contaminating item. It’s a light and small piece of plastic that can easily be blown by the wind, potentially harming other organisms. This can also affect humans due to that they are at the top of the food pyramid.

I honestly think that is a serious sign that just more and more plastic is being exposed to the environment meaning there is a higher chance of it coming right back at us. I’m concerned that not many people are aware of this or even care because they don’t see it changing their lives right now, but eventually, it will. It will be like a hard punch that couldn’t be seen or stopped. There need to be actions started now, not just small groups. We need millions contributing to this cause, so it will happen quicker and obstruct the horrible future to happen.

Carrington, D. (2022, January 21). Nanoplastic pollution found at both of Earth's Poles for first time. The Guardian. Retrieved January 24, 2022, from


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