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Microplastic Eating Robotic Fish

Chinese researchers from Sichuan University have developed a robotic fish that can remove microplastic particles from waterways. Microplastics are broken down of non-biodegradable plastic that is less than 5mm in length. As a result, it will help clean the world’s plastic-polluted oceans, a growing global problem that is harming water ecosystems. Sea animals mistake plastic for food, and it stays in their body forever due to the fact that most plastic is not biodegradable. They can also get trapped in the plastic leading to their inhibited ability to move or even their body being distorted if they were confined at a young age.

The robo-fish is made from a soft, biocompatible material and only measures 1.3 centimeters long. That’s so small! The plastic was designed to absorb microplastics. The fish is controlled by turning on and off a NIR Light, which is a near-infrared light laser. The light stimulates the fish’s tail to move back and forth, allowing it to move through the water.

Currently, the fish is able to collect microplastics from the surface of the water, but researchers hope to make it work in deeper levels of water.

The only thing that makes me nervous about this new invention to help the huge plastic pollution problem is if a real fish eats the robotic fish. How will it affect the real fish? What will happen to the microplastic particles? Though the team of scientists says, it can be safely digested. I hope that’s true and they can continue their research to better the living conditions under the sea.

“Scientists Develop Robotic Fish to 'Eat' Microplastics.” VOA Learning English, Scientists Develop Robotic Fish to 'Eat' Microplastics,


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