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Third Delay for the U.N. Biodiversity Agreement

For many years, people have been abusing the Earth: chopping down forests, leaving animals to find new habitats, burning fossil fuels, causing global warming, using the world as a trashcan and so much more. All of these are connected to each other, not only because they are all caused by humans, but some of these are like a domino effect. Deforestation destroys habitats and releases a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide into the environment. Animals are forced to find a new home and suffer from limited food sources, since the food chain was interrupted. Some get lucky and are able to adapt to the change. Another way greenhouse gases are released is burning fossil fuels.

The U.N. Biodiversity Agreement involves many countries, including the United States, China, France, Japan, Germany and many other countries that want to improve the condition of the world. The United Nations plans to reverse human made ecological destruction before it’s too late. They want to protect 30 percent of the land and seas, reduce the amount of nutrients lost in half, and eliminate plastic waste.

This project is supposed to help the Earth, but the third delay has been confirmed for the in-person meet because of the spread of Covid-19. It has been a challenge for these countries to meet face to face. So now, it has been paused until cases die down and it’s safe enough for all these big country leaders to encounter each other. Now the new meeting is going to be held April 28 to May 8, 2022 in Kunming, China to finalize the agreement.


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