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China is Tackling Biodiversity

Biodiversity is being given a second chance of surviving. China has been working to restore and rescue living organisms from extinction. In the last couple of decades, there has been an increase in the population of endangered plant species. They use multiple techniques to promote pollination, like cutting off branches blooming from one tree, then connecting them to another.

China is doing its part to help solve this problem, but it takes a team to fix this, not just one contributing. Even with the increase in China, the overall percentage in decreasing and at rapid pace. The path to achieve restoration is miles away from accomplishing, but the sooner action is taken, the higher chances of succeeding with less difficulties.

Everything is connected in some way. Like biodiversity links onto another major issue, limited food supply. Without biodiversity, there will be less variety and fewer products for the public causing prices to go up. In addition to that, the population is just growing and if the number of food decreases, there won’t be enough to provide to others.

There will be a big domino effect if we don’t make a change now, all of us. Everything is connected in some way.


Xinhua. (2021, October 9). China's biodiversity conservation efforts forge a thriving ecosystem. from


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