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Billionaires Donates to Biodiversity Charities

Jeff Bezos has donated $1 billion to the conservation of biodiversity as part of his Earth Fund to advance climate solutions. There hasn't been any success in improving the ecosystem. The population in different species has declined in great amounts in the past couple of decades. Still, Jeff Bezos and other billionaires have decided that they want to contribute to the change and prevent any more failures.

The question that comes to my mind is, do these billionaires really want to make a change for this world, or is there something else they are getting from this?

They are just throwing money into this problem. Yet, money doesn't solve everything. Some people even believe these billionaires are in it for tax evasion because they get away without paying much taxes based on historical events.

I believe that they are in for their public appearance. They don't want to look like they are keeping billions of dollars just for show. In addition, if this boosts their self-image and, at the same time, decreases the amount of taxes they have to pay. It would be a win-win.

In the end, they are helping an important cause that affects our future. The money will help with expensive purchases. On the other hand, spreading awareness will make a bigger difference.


Jones, B. (2021, September 23). What happens when billionaires jump on the Biodiversity Bandwagon. Vox. from


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