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As the Animal Biodiversity Declines so Will the Plants

Everything in the world is linked. Every action will have a reaction, even if it's not visible to your eye. Like when it comes to plastic pollution, the first action is far far away, but eventually finds its way to a bigger cause.

Not only are the animals in the wild dependent on the plants. The plants are dependent on the animals. One can't survive without the other. This reminds me of a saying in The Lion King, "Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance" and "we are all connected in the great Circle of Life." This famous line was placed in the beginning to demonstrate how a change in the ecosystem can have disastrous effects.

In many areas on Earth, the balance is being disrupted and animals are dying off or becoming endangered due to the fact of human beings' actions. This is also causing the plants' biodiversity to also decline, making it the survival of the fittest.

I find this detrimental that the other organisms are struggling due to our needs and wants. We have been dependent on growing our economy and evolving with new innovations that we haven't seen what is happening to the Earth. It's like the screens people are on the majority of their life, is hiding all the forests disappearing, the oceans looking like landfills, the animal's and plant's biodiversity rapidly fading away. It's like not many are realizing that we are part of the "circle of life." We fall in that system too, but we haven't faced the serious consequences or tried to find them.

Our air is getting damage everyday, every hour, but not many are willing to make the sacrifice. The ocean is filled with trash, but since we're not living in that condition, not enough are promoting to clean it up. Forests that provide us oxygen, but they don't seem to get much in return from us. So much of this leads to the overall decline in biodiversity in animals and plants. The worse air doesn't only damage human being's lungs. The dirty oceans and forests are a home to others. But there is so much more that we have done to our beautiful Earth that is taking the beating of our actions.


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